Barret Ham

Barret Ham, clarinet (Macon, GA), has served as clarinetist and bass clarinetist for the San Francisco Ballet Orchestra

since 2019. He has appeared as soloist with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra and Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra, as well as the Borromeo String Quartet as winner of its Guest Artist Competition. Summer festival appearances include the Boston University Tanglewood Institute, Brevard Music Center, and the International Summer Academy MDW, where he studied under Richard Haynes. Barret has played for Alea III and ECCE Ensemble in Boston. After studying under Montgomery Cole, he received his B.M from New England Conservatory as a student of Michael Wayne. Barret is currently pursuing a M.M at the University of Southern California as a student of Yehuda Gilad. Previous Yellow Barn musician (2019)

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Grace Hughes


Jordan Hadrill